The end of term has almost arrived but the school is a very busy place for students and staff. In the last few weeks a large number of events have been organized, which have really enriched the learning experiences of the young people involved. Our Year 3 students enjoyed a host of exciting activities this year which included the excursion to SAM (Shepparton Art Museum), Reforestation incursion, the First-Aid incursion by Saint John’s Ambulance and Harmony Day celebrations at our school campus.

The students have worked really hard to complete their History projects to a very high standard. I would like to thank all the parents who helped their children with their homework and projects. The last week of the term is going to be extra busy with Preps to Grade 4s going swimming.

It has been a positive end to the term and I think we can look forward to a great year ahead. I hope you and your family have a fantastic summer break and I look forward to working with you again next term. I trust that our students return in the new term, refreshed and ready to take the best advantage of another term’s learning opportunities.

Happy holidays!


Mrs. Gurtirath Singh
Grade 3 Teacher